Kibabii University hosted delegates from the national HIV council of Kenya which took place on the night of 30th November 2022 starting from 9pm to 11pm at night in auditorium C and the meeting was broadcasted life in Citizen Television by Victoria Lubantiri.
One of the delicates by the name Doctor Barasa was able to explain in an alaborate format about the causes of this pandemic,the challenges and the ways we can apply to stop the infection such as use of condoms, abstaining and also being faithful to your partner.
He also went ahead and said that we have go for a HIV test in order to be aware of our status and if you are tested positive does not mean the end of life but we should should be encouraged to get proper medication, eat well and probably life will continue.He reinstated that being HIV positive is a ticket to death or it is not a death sentence. One can live longer provided he or she adheres to good medication.
Not only that we were able to receive wise guidelines about the pandemic but students were given a chance to express their opinion and one of the student by the name lsaac in his opinion he complained that the government have failed to supply the protective measures in the institutions and most of them are experiencing the shortage and luck a now how about the situation.
He further criticized the government to stop promising the country that they will end the pandemic in vision 2030 because they have failed planning effectively towards it. He insisted that the government should lay down strong strategy that will work purposely to achieve the desired results.
The distinguished deligates posed a lifely interview concerning the pandemic and indeed we were moved and feld transformed by making decisions that will enable us live a dedicative life free from HIV/AIDS.