Recommendations of diffusion of innovation theory.
The diffusion of innovation theory explains the rate at which consumers will adopt a new product or service.Therefore the theory helps marketers understand how trends occur and helps companies in assessing the likelihood of success or failure of their new introduction.
Diffusion of innovation theory lies in its applicability, a large volume of studies across multiple discipline have utilized the theory as framework, it has yielded similar results across the board from journalism studies to health communication thus confirming the diffusion process.
How the theory relates to media in Kenya today
Communicators in society with a message influence or people that have strong opinion through the media to influence the masses.
Literature reveals that the theories of diffusion of innovation uses and grat in today's media environment, the trial stage happens more rapidly.
Diffusion is the process by which new product, behavior or ideas are communicated among the members of social systems.
This describe what is known about the process of the diffusion process and the dissemination of innovation through the mass media.
Toward a critical mass, theory of interactive media, universal access,, interdependence and diffusion communication research.
It originated in communication to explain how over time an idea or products gain momentum and diffuses or spread through a specific population or social systems.
The end result of this diffusion is that people as apart of a social systems adopt a new ideas or behavior.